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South Park - Season 20 Set
All ten episodes from the 20th season of the no-holds-barred animated comedy created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. In this season, Cartman (voice of Parker) hopes to travel to Mars, Mr. Garrison (Parker) is elected President and the gang join forces to take down an Internet troll. The episodes are: 'Member Berries', 'Skank Hunt', 'The Damned', 'Wieners Out', 'Douche and a Danish', 'Fort Collins', 'Oh, Jeez', 'Members Only', 'Not Funny' and 'The End of Serialization As We Know It'.
- Paramount Home Entertainment
- South Park
- 105 mins approx.
- Trey Parker
- Matt Stone
- Brian Graden
- 18
- Trey Parker
- Matt Stone
- Mona Marshall
- April Stewart
- Isaac Hayes
- South Park
English SDH, Dutch, German
- English
- 1
- 2
South Park - Season 20 Set
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All ten episodes from the 20th season of the no-holds-barred animated comedy created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. In this season, Cartman (voice of Parker) hopes to travel to Mars, Mr. Garrison (Parker) is elected President and the gang join forces to take down an Internet troll. The episodes are: 'Member Berries', 'Skank Hunt', 'The Damned', 'Wieners Out', 'Douche and a Danish', 'Fort Collins', 'Oh, Jeez', 'Members Only', 'Not Funny' and 'The End of Serialization As We Know It'.
- Paramount Home Entertainment
- South Park
- 105 mins approx.
- Trey Parker
- Matt Stone
- Brian Graden
- 18
- Trey Parker
- Matt Stone
- Mona Marshall
- April Stewart
- Isaac Hayes
- South Park
English SDH, Dutch, German
- English
- 1
- 2
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